“So what does the original publisher of the novel think about all this?” people ask.

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Teacher Use Students’ Real Names—New Developments in the Sam Taylor Mullen’s Plagiarism Case
Last Friday a parent of a child who was in Rushton’s 3rd grade class last year identified aliases used by Rushton to promote her Sam Taylor Mullens pen name books and also to harass me as the real names of children in the class.
Open letter to Tiffanie Rushton AKA Sam Taylor Mullens
Yesterday I received a sobering email from Lilah Weston, wife of Chase Weston, author of Terror in a Cloud of Dust. She and her husband had just learned that his story had been plagiarized by the same author who copied my story, A Bid For Love.
Update on the STM Plagiarism Case: Complaint Filed
I know many of you have been waiting to hear, so I want to let you know that my attorneys filed the complaint (case #2:14-cv-00627-EJF) in federal court last Friday, and today the papers were served.
Today I Am Grateful
For those of you who have followed the story about my novel being plagiarized and the subsequent harassment, you know that the past two and a half weeks hasn’t been easy for me.
My Novel Has Been Plagiarized!
Original post and comments about how I learned my novel had been plagiarized.