The apology letter was the one place Rushton really had the chance to shine.
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Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case is Finally Over
I’m happy to announce that the final chapter in my copyright infringement case against Tiffany Rushton has been written.
Summary Judgment in Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case
After three and a half years, summary judgment has come in on the Nunes VS Rushton copyright infringement case.
In the Works
Yes, I do have more Rachel Ann Nunes stories to tell, and here’s the scoop!
Ariana Series Order
The timeline of the Ariana series is a little complicated because there are several series that tie into the main series. So here is the best order to read the Ariana series and the connected novels.
My Pen Name Novels
Many readers like to stick to one genre, but some love to follow authors no matter what genre they write. If you’re that kind of reader, check out the sci-fi and urban fantasy books I write under the name Teyla Branton and mainstream sweet romances under the name Rachel Branton.
Surprising Development as Expert Witnesses are Disclosed in Copyright Infringement Case
If you are following my copyright infringement case, you’ve probably heard about the surprising development during expert discovery.
Community Site for Content-Rated Books
I’m so excited that My Book Ratings or MBR, a new free community website with a permanent database for content-rated books, is now online.
Movie-like Content Ratings for Books
Movies are rated, so why not books? If I’m going to fork out my hard-earned money, I deserve to have some idea of what I’m in for, right?
My Book Cave—Books with “Movie-like” Ratings
I’m excited about the new site, My Book Cave, who is offering subscribers ebooks with content-rating.