For those of you who have followed the story about my novel being plagiarized and the subsequent harassment, you know that the past two and a half weeks hasn’t been easy for me. But there have been really good things happening every day as well, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the angels who have acted in my life:
Thanks to my husband, who manned things on the home front while I was working with attorneys or investigators—especially for taking care of our two-year-old daughter, who had dental procedures a week ago and who has been very needy. Yes, he washes dishes. I know this wasn’t the way he thought we’d begin his first weeks going part time at work so we could attempt a new business, but he rolled with the punches. And he has been so very kind and understanding about my rollercoaster emotions. He also checked the registered copyrights on all my books, and filed for any that have been revised, which gave me peace of mind.
I’m grateful to the authors at Indie Author Hub, who were supportive from the very beginning. It’s great to have people who know me so well and who are willing to go the extra mile. Thanks for the flowers and the emails. I don’t know what I would do without you! Some authors have gone above and beyond with their support, but for now they will remain nameless to protect them from harassment. You know who you are.
Thanks to bloggers Meghen and Crystal, who each had the courage to publically follow her conscience. They suffered online attacks because of it, but their integrity remains apparent to all. Also to the anonymous people who had the courage to report the infringement to me in the first place. That took courage, even anonymously.
Also To David Farland, who gave me added determination and a way to follow through on what I know I have to do. I will never forget your help.
To the investigators on this case—you have gone far above the call of duty and have held my hand every time I’ve needed it. You remain anonymous for now, but I can’t wait to write a novel about all of you because someone has got to tell this story. No one will believe all the details, but that’s okay, we know the truth about how it all unfolded.
I’m thankful that the children in the nursery today at church don’t know what the word plagiarism means. It was nice to play trains and picnic and pop bubbles.
I’m also thankful for the many, many, many tips I received from people who had information that the investigators put to good use. None of you had to come forward, but you took the time, and some of it became very important.
To the authors I know personally, and the many more authors that I don’t know, both indie and trad published, who have come forward to offer support. I know I represent all of us, especially the indie authors who don’t have publishers to fight these kinds of battles, and I won’t let you down. I’m glad that honesty and integrity is for the most part recognized by everyone honestly involved in the writing world, no matter our race, our gender, our genre, or where we live. Thank you for being outraged on my behalf at the idea of someone not only stealing my story but also my expression of that story.
Thanks to my readers who have sent their love my way and have encouraged me to continue writing. Without you, I really might be tempted to let myself linger in hunker-down, protection mode. But for you, I will get to that next book, I promise!
Thanks to the strangers who are not readers, friends, or acquaintances, who heard about the story and offered support. You helped a person in need, and even if you never read one of my books (or like them), I am indebted. It’s the human connection that makes the difference.
Thanks to my sister Deborah, whose sympathy and support has made me love her even more.
Thanks to Andrea, who has called me almost every day and jumped in to help wherever she was needed.
I’m grateful for my neighbor Shelli, who came running to my house when I called in a panic, and who pinpointed what I needed and lingered long enough to make sure I was okay. She also made sure my children had cheese for their sandwiches. Thanks, Shelli, and I promise to remember to eat.
I’m grateful that of all the comments I’ve read online, there was only one that was unkind that couldn’t be linked directly to STM. I hope the day will come when I can proudly own any new one-star reviews again, and not worry they’re the beginning of another attack, but that may take time.
Last, but not least, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the Go Fund Me account, or who plan to participate in another way to help with legal expenses.
This list is not comprehensive. I know I’ve probably forgotten someone (or left them out on purpose for their anonymity), but my heart is full of gratitude, and that pushes out a lot of the hurt and fear. What an amazing community of authors, readers, friends, and kind strangers who are helping each other as we hurtle through this experience we call life. You are making a difference to me during this difficult time, and I wanted you to know.
Rachel Ann Nunes
Rachel Ann Nunes
Thanks, Pete! I'm especially hoping for the swift part.
I hope your justice is swift and full, Rachel.
Rachel Ann Nunes
Thank you all so much for your kind comments!
Very sweet, Rachel. I was tearing up through the whole thing. Thank you for going through this nightmare and for speaking up for all!! God Bless.
Glad to hear you are still going strong, despite all this, and I hope you can get it resolved quickly. Best of luck and best wishes with what must be every author's nightmare.
Maggie Spence
There are so many people who follow this story and stand with you, Rachel. Stay strong and know that you will always have our support.
~ Crystal ~
You are very welcome and I will continue to stand behind you in this.
Stephanie Abney
Thanks for this post – it's good to know what is happening and how you are doing. You are paving the way on some pretty rough territory. We can only hope and pray it is resolved quickly and that others don't fall victim to it (although that last part may be too much to hope for). You have done everything right. It will pay off. So sorry for all the trauma and stress this must be causing you and your family. Thanks for showing your grace and sincerity. Good luck.
Lisa And Randy
I want you to know that I am behind you one hundred percent. Good luck with everything. You have brought joy into my life through your writing and friendship. Thank you. Love you.
Amber L Argyle
I will keep you in my prayers! Wish there was more I could do for you!!
I'm glad you have such a great team behind you. I am so sorry you are going through this. I love to read on my down times at work and at home and I can't imagine having someone do what this person is doing to you. Good luck with everything and thank you for all the joy you have brought into my life.
Lynn Gardner
Nursery was one of my favorite callings – I even extended a year! Nothing like their sweet innocence – especially after all trauma and angst you've endured. You will overcome all this! Love ya, Lynn
Heather M. Gardner
You ROCK! Never let them tell you different.
Keep moving forward.