I’m often asked to tell about the order of the Ariana series. The timeline is a little complicated because there are several series that tie into the Ariana series. But there is a best order to read the Ariana series and the connected novels.
There are three novels from Ariana’s point-of-view that make up the main series. All the events in these stories are told first-person by Ariana and are about the Perrault family. At the beginning she’s nineteen, and in the third book she’s forty with a growing family. The series takes place in France, where I spend six months with my family as a child. It was there the first bits of this story began in my brain.
Ariana: The Making of a Queen (Ariana Book 1)
Ariana: A Gift Most Precious (Ariana Book 2)
Ariana: A New Beginning (Ariana Book 3)
In the next novel, all three of Ariana’s daughters tell their stories. I wrote it in third person from each of their point-of-views. Ariana has only a few chapters as the viewpoint characters. There are also side stories of their friend Brionney and Rebekka going on in the novel.
A Glimpse of Eternity, The story of Ariana’s daughters
After Glimpse, you might want to take on the side stories involving Brionney and Brionney’s friend, Karissa. These are stand-alone stories and not really part of the Ariana series, but they pave the way to tying back into the Perrault family.
To Love and to Promise
Tomorrow and Always
Then it gets a little complicated. I wrote a book that is the first of two other series. One series follows Brionney’s sister, Mickelle and another character from Tomorrow and Always. The second series ties back into the Perrault family in France and follows Rebekka (friend of the Perraults) and basically tells the stories of Ariana’s three sons.
This Time Forever (Mickelle Book 1, Rebekka Book 1)
Bridge to Forever (Mickelle Book 2)
Where I Belong (Mickelle Book 3)
Ties that Bind (Rebekka Book 2)
Twice in a Lifetime (Rebekka Book 3)
That’s it! Well, there is one more story I wrote called A Greater Love in a couple sentences that mention a Sister Perrault in Portugual. That is actually Ariana’s daughter! But that’s more just for a your inside information. It is not part of the Ariana series.
Enjoy! Please let me know below if you have any questions.
Trisha Hyer
What is the book that’s about Mercedes’s brother. He takes someone home to see Mercedes in Wyoming with files or something they’re going through. Ugh. I can’t remember.
Rachel Ann Nunes
Hi Trisha. It was originally published as Flying Home, but has since been updated and reprinted as Take Me Home under the name Rachel Branton (as per my agreement with my original publisher when I requested the rights back). The next book is about Mercedes. You can find Take Me Home here: https://teylarachelbranton.com/book/take-me-home/.
Should Mickelle’s or Rebekah’s story be read first? Chronologically?
Rachel Ann Nunes
The sequels don’t overlap almost at all, so it may not matter. But my preference after This Time Forever is to read Book 2 of Mickelle’s, then Book 2 and 3 of Rebekka’s, and then Book 3 of Mickelle’s (this is really about Mickelle’s stepson).
That’s what I’ll do then! Thank you!
Rachel Ann Nunes
You’re welcome. Hope you enjoy!
DeAnn Sartor
is there another sequel to the; Love to the Highest Bidder,Framed for Love, Love on the Run.. Loved it but kind of lost at the end
Rachel Ann Nunes
Just those three! I had planned to write more, but ended up writing the planned plots into the Imprint series instead. See Touch of Rain by Teyla Branton and the entire 8-book series. Hope you enjoy!
Rane Jones
Are “Flying Home” and “Fields of Home” a series? The font and covers are very similar but I can’t find if they are or aren’t
Thank you
Rachel Ann Nunes
They are definitely connected! Flying Home is about Liana and Austin. In that book, you meet Mercedes, who is Austin’s sister. Fields of Home is Mercedes’ story, and Liana and Austin make an appearance. Then there is a third story, Eyes of a Stranger, that is about Liana’s brother Brett Winn, who is also in the first book. All three books have now been republished under my pen name Rachel Branton as Take Me Home (Flying Home Book 1), All That I Love (Flying Home Book 2), and Then I Found You (Flying Home Book 3). You can find them here: https://teylarachelbranton.com/books/#finding-home. Hope that helps. Sorry for the long delay in my reply. I was out of the country when your comment came in and didn’t see it until now.