So the other day my baby, then about seven months old, exploded from her diaper. She does this quite regularly, but this time she was covered all the way up her back, in the front, and out the bottom. It was quite something else (and I’ve raised six other children).
On the way to the to the bathtub, I stopped to show Liana, my eight-year-old daughter, what her sister had done. I expected her to say, “Ooo gross!” Instead a huge smile came over her face and and she said, “Lisbon, you’re SO AMAZING! Aren’t you, sweetie? Yes, you are. So AMAZING!” And she went upstairs with me to help clean the baby.
Then last week Lisbon was a little sick, and when Liana came home from school, she grabbed her from my arms as she always does. She lay down on the carpet, raising the baby above her, up and down. Lisbon laughed. She loves playing with her sister.
Then it happened. Yes, you guessed it. Lisbon threw up all over Liana’s throat and shirt. It was really yucky. I know because I had just cleaned the same thing up not thirty minutes before.
And what did Liana do? I admit, I was holding my breath. I mean, that’s a little too much for an eight-year-old to take.
But Liana laughed and said, “Oh, Lisbon, you’re so AMAZING! Mom, can you pass me that rag?”
So who is really amazing here?
I think they both are. And I think that maybe the fact that we laugh every time something like this happens, no matter how long it takes to clean up or how long it delays whatever we’re doing, we’re teaching our children what’s really important in life. Every day as I hold my baby, I know I’m the luckiest woman alive.
So to celebrate my amazing kids, I’m giving away 2,000 copies of my Kindle chapter book The Problem With Spaceships Book #1: Zero G Saturday April 28th for your child ages 6-10. Once you read it, you’ll see why! I hope you find it AMAZING!
Click on here to download for free (April 28th only).
Theresa Small Sneed
What an incredible young girl …. she is AMAZING!